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  • Writer's pictureTroy Ericson

Can emails save a life?

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

I used to joke that even though my nickname is the 'Email Paramedic,' I don't know CPR, and therefore I cannot save a life.

But that all changed when I met Tara.

You see, Tara found me through one of my Facebook ads & a few days later she read one of my emails & decided to jump on a consult call with me...

Little did I know that I was about to save a life.

The call went as normal...

I found out that Tara hosts a 5 Day 'Get Out of Your Own Way' Challenge for female entrepreneurs to help them get 'unstuck' in their life & business.

It was going 'okay' at best - and she didn't have a lot of confidence that this offer was going to be sustainable long term.

BUT after about 30 minutes, I'd reviewed just about every single thing I possibly could in her ads, funnels, and emails.

And she was SUPER pumped when she got off the call & then got right to work implementing all the changes, hoping that this would be her BIG breakthrough.

Over the next week, she kept me updated on her progress in my private Facebook group, and I helped her continue to tweak her emails for optimal results.

From what I could tell... She was CRUSHING it compared to before our call.

But what happened next brought a tear to my eye (no, I'm not just saying that - I actually did shed a tear)...

Because when she posted the results in the group, I found out something COMPLETELY unexpected...

I mean, the results themselves were great...

The last time she ran this same '5 Day Challenge', she:

- Was selling a $497 program at the end of the challenge

- Spent $1,600 on Facebook Ads

- Sold 7 programs out of 347 leads

- Made $3,479

- Profited $1,879

But after implementing the changes she learned on our call, she:

- Increased her program to $997 (she was WAY more confident now)

- Spent $2,900 on Facebook Ads

- Sold 15 programs out of 397 leads

- Made $17,738.25

- Profited $14,838.25

And even though she 5x'd her last launch (yes, FIVE x'd)...

AND said,

"I can say without a shadow of a doubt this all is thanks to your copy help, Troy. I even had many compliments on my SALES EMAILS of all things - people actually thanking me, saying how great they were, etc. I really don't think I would've done nearly as well without your guidance."

She didn't stop there...

Because at the bottom of her post, Tara told me that I helped save a life (screenshot below):

I know it sounds cheesy for me to say, "This is why I love what I do"...

But this is why I love what I do.

And I never ever in a million years thought I would get a message like this. I could not be more proud of Tara for taking initiative & changing her life.

So if you've got a business that you KNOW has potential...

But you haven't quite tapped into it yet...

I want to give you the same opportunity that Tara had.

All you have to do to join is click the link below, read more about it, and then click the button at the bottom to join this group, called the Email Secrets Mastermind, for 7 days for just $1.

After you join, there is an optional upgrade on the next page for a 1 on 1 call with me so you can get even better & faster results.

Either way, make sure to join now so we can start scaling your business! (and mayyyybe even save another life!)

Talk soon,

Troy "Life Saver" Ericson P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me & get my Email FAQ Answer Doc for FREE (it pretty much answers every single question you have about email), you can join my list using this link

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