I had a weird realization the other day when looking at my TikTok… For a few months now, I’ve been making videos & content about a bunch of different topics… At first, I thought it was going really well… For example, on TikTok, I had a few videos go viral… One of them got 1.3M views, another got 164.4K, and another got 120.2K...

Even though it felt great to see the number of views go up & up…
After sitting down and taking look at how much time it took to make a video that went viral…
Turns out, it wasn’t a great use of my time.
Trying to come up with new copy angles, hooks, and ideas doesn’t have to take a bunch of time…
The audience you’re writing to, but more importantly, the people that are going to buy from you, want MORE of the content they originally found from you.
But for some reason, copywriters (including me) think we have to reinvent the wheel to generate new buyers with their copy…
We’ll spend hours & hours & hours of our time trying to come up with a new hook or angle that will get someone to buy…
When all we have to do is just use what worked in the past.
It sounds too simple…
And you may think that’s not what your client would like to hear when they see the same messaging cycle over and over again…
But it’s true.
And here’s my point, I know my buyers like it when I talk about email marketing or copywriting…
Because when I talk about those 2 topics, they pull out their credit cards.
But when I try talking about something else …
The people that would normally buy from me don’t take action.
So from now on, I’m sticking to what I know works, and it's saving me a TON of time and energy.
And all that time I was wasting “thinking too hard” is now spent doubling down on what I’m good at.
So if you ever feel like you’re being repetitive or your client won’t like seeing the similar ‘copy cycle’ over and over again…
Just remember your buyers only buy when you talk about topics that make them want to buy.
Money talks.
It sounds simple, but it’s often overlooked.
Any extended time thinking about new topics… can be a waste of time.
Sure, maybe test it… But don’t keep talking about it if it doesn’t work.
In other news, Dom & I are working on a new opportunity for ALL of my Email List Management Certification program members…
It’s called the Email Paramedic Partner Program.
I’m not going to give too many details yet since it’s a few weeks from happening…
But we’re going to make you an official partner of our agency.
In addition, we’re going to close the client for you, so all you have to do is get the client and manage them with our help…
And then, both Dom & I will coach you so you get results for the client we give you.
But more on that in the coming weeks…
For now, just remember to keep an eye on your email inbox for updates on that…
And look forward to seeing people become my partner with email.
Talk soon,