Last week I was on a flight without wifi... Which I try to avoid at all costs. However, this time I couldn't avoid it... So I packed a book with me to read on the flight. It was super short... And I ended up finishing it on the flight. But little did I know it would be one of my favorites. Why did I choose to read this one? Well, right now I'm in the middle of launching a new product for a business I recently acquired (I'll share more details later)... And I've been thinking about buying more. Well, perfect timing... Because this book literally shared the A-to-Z on how to build wealth by buying other assets or businesses that complement your main business for $0 down. Best of all, a lot of these assets aren't very expensive. Some of them are Facebook groups or websites with thousands of members or visitors that you can pick up on the cheap... While other opportunities (for more advanced people) are for multi-million dollar businesses you can acquire for very little cash down, that could add a HUGE pipeline to your main biz. It also shared where you can find these opportunities, how to value them, how to approach the owner, and how to buy them at a fair price. It was called "Zero Down" by Roland Fraiser. Roland has bought & sold dozens of businesses in something like 50+ niches. Even cooler, this past Saturday, Roland Frasier AND Jay Abraham ran a free live virtual event about their new book, which is very similar. The book is called Business Wealth Without Risk, which is very very similar to the book I read, but JAY FREAKING ABRAHAM is co-authoring it... Which means it'll be even better. Want to know how it went?
Well, we finished 9th in registrations...
And 6th in live attendees!
Which means that my audience has won a free 60 minute private Zoom call with Roland Frasier and/or Jay Abraham!
Going from 9th to 6th means that YOU SHOWED UP when it counted. I've always been super grateful for all the support & LOYALTY you've shown since I started a few years ago, . Thank you.
I am still getting the details on when the call will take place (likely late October)...
But like I said, this private call will be for my team, my clients, members of me & Dom's private mentorship groups, PLUS...
I'm going to pick 5 email subscribers to be on the call as well. Maybe 10.
So, if you were one of the people who attended live using my link, reply and say "PICK ME" to enter the drawing.
I'll keep ya in the loop when it's happening... And I'll try to get Jay Abraham on the call since a lot of copywriters look up to him.
Thanks again,
Troy "WE did it" Ericson
ps I was ONE place away from hitching a ride on Roland's jet... But in the spirit of the book, I'm negotiating a deal... I'll keep ya in the loop 😎
pps I guess the Email Paramedic team is just really good at winning affiliate contests (we recently helped a client win Alex Hormozi's #1 spot)