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Rich Schefren increased his open rates from 9% to 14% (a 56% boost)!

Robert says... "It's just like turning a light switch on and you go from promo to the standard inbox, it's crazy!"
Paul O'Mahony increased his open rates from 10% to 19% (a 90% boost)!
Robby nearly DOUBLED his open rates from 18% to 35% AND got back 9,000+ formerly inactive subscribers!
"It's pretty obvious that what I did with Troy is now 80% of my business." Now EVERY Email Scott sends hits the Primary Inbox
Deividas said... "We now generate an extra $2,000 per email AND we were able to grow our active list size..."
Tim said... "Troy saves a lot of time and removes the guesswork... within 10 seconds your open rates will jump INSTANTLY. It's easy to use... anyone can do it, I highly recommend it."

Michelle escaped the Gmail Promo Tab & increased her Open Rates from 19% to 48% and saves 12-15 Hours each week

Eric makes an extra 10k-20k per month because of the higher open rates I've gotten him
Emily went from 12% open rates to over 29%, even on a list of 130,000 people!
Tamatha went from 5k to 14k in just 30 days working with us!
Alex Cattoni doubled her open rates & revenue in just 1 launch!
Ross's open rates went from 10% to 36% while keeping most of his active list.
Sam Ovens increased his open rates from 5% to 10% (a 100% boost)!






Jesse made an extra $194,704.85 in 16 months using the Unsub Secret

Maria TRIPLED her Open Rates & made $5,000+ in new email revenue in just 5 Days...

"When we started working with Troy our open rate was less than 10%... In a very short period of time we started seeing an increase in open rates RIGHT AWAY."
Mark made over $1,500,000 from his email list in 1 year
Linda made $150k from a list of about 5k:
Tara 5x'd her previous launch & saved her dog's life:
Amy increased her open rates by 37% and revived over 60k cold subscribers:
Kevin increased his open rates 5-10% and also boosted his revenue $10-20k/month:
Kat's Revenue Increased by 20%
Dr. Bob saw a 30% Increase in New Patients from our Emails:

Cole says we are the "Best People for Deliverability":
Dylan says "people actually think it's me writing to them":

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